
About Dr. Bart Billings

Dr. Bart P. Billings is a retired U.S. Army Colonel and former military psychologist. He has been working in the fields of mental health, human services and management for over forty-eight years and possesses licenses in Clinical Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy and has past expertise as a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. He has given lectures throughout the country for universities, private organizations, national conferences and the military on multiple topics including Combat Stress, Stress and Burn-out, and Violence in The Work Place. He founded and directs the oldest annual military stress conference, the International Military and Civilian Combat Stress Conference, has been interviewed on ABC News Nightline and ABC World News about combat stress and was invited to give testimony at Congressional and State Legislative hearings on the need for better mental health treatment programs for military personnel and their families. Contact:

New Report Shows High Percentage of Active Duty Soldiers Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs

By | 2017-08-19T03:08:35+00:00 August 17th, 2017|Drugging Military & Veterans, Featured News, News, Topics|

A new report issued by the RAND Corp. shows that high percentages of active duty service members in 2013-2014 filled prescriptions for dangerous psychiatric drugs.  Yet, it doesn’t report on the documented side effects of the drugs which include suicidal ideation, risk and actual suicide attempts.